
Web 2.0... Curious?

"You--Yes, You--Are TIME's Person of the Year" by Lev Grossman talks mainly about how something called Web 2.0 and how its birth on this planet is supposed to allow the common people communicate with each other.  "This is an opportunity to build a new kind of international understanding,” Grossman said, “not politician to politician, great man to great man, but citizen to citizen, person to person." My way of thinking might be old fashioned but I’ve always thought that this was the best way to share information; from person to person, so each one can add their own commentary to the news that they want to share. Much like what many of us are doing with this blog. We either picked an article, or in my case, were assigned an article, and we are passing on the information, “person to person”, accompanied by our own commentary that is often informal, so that the general masses may better understand it. It was also interesting to notice that Grossman’s article itself was written in an informal tone. I believe he did this so that he could distribute his news to people like me, and others in my class, in a way that was easy to understand, so that my classmates and I could pass it on in our own way. I agree with Grossman, I myself am curious as to “who’s out there looking back at” me.  Yes, he is right it could fail, but really when you make internet news open for the people to critique and pass it on, would people really pass that up? I wouldn’t…