
I am My Own Person

In looking at my info sphere, now that I am done compiling all of the websites that I use on a fairly regular basis, I am able to see how they have influence my identity. For example, the types of sites I visit for my entertainment are, I am sure, different as they pertain to each individual person. For me they show that I enjoy a wide spread of entertainment, from stand up to drama. I do not mean however, that it accurately portrays me. Not at all! The only way it could do that was if we were attached, meaning it is my proverbial “third arm” or I cannot go without the internet for more than 2 hrs. I assure u I am completely capable of going without the internet, my cell phone, my iPod, and other such items of the technological nature.

The Internet for me is mainly for my gain. I use it to expound on different ideas or different thoughts that interest me or have sparked some sort of desire to learn or know something. The internet is there to serve me and my personal and or public needs. Because I have found certain sites easier to use than others, of course one could say that it is shaping me to think that way, especially with political websites. It is very hard if not impossible to find a political website without a slant in favor of one side or another. I see myself as my own person. It is hard for anyone or anything to sway me on a way of thinking, or on a certain political view. I think about matters that I find to be important and I do not make amateur decisions on them. In other words I try to be mainly my own person and the Internet doesn’t really influence who I am… I am what I am and I use the internet to help me continue being who I am.  

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