
Judged by your Avatar

This is my Facebook profile picture. I chose this picture because there are several aspects of it that represent me, who I am and how I act. First off it is an old picture of me in High School, and I am wearing a shirt with the emblem of the Pre Engineering program I was part of. This was important to me because I was the president of that organization. I am wearing a fedora. There isn’t much to say about that just that I like hats, especially fedoras and I like to wear them. This picture was taken by a friend while I was talking to another one of my friends, and by my facial expression I can tell I was either saying something sarcastic to them, or I was mocking something a teacher had said. Either way it tells something about my personality; I’m sarcastic and occasionally if a teacher in high school was acting, in a word, “dumb”, then my friends were sure I’d poke some fun!

At any rate, the fact that I decided to make this picture my profile pic and not one of me all “doo-daded-up” with layers and layers of makeup on and all that shows that I am a pretty relaxed person, and I prefer the casual me to the fake me… The way I look when I am having fun is the way I like to be seen to other people… relaxed, interesting, and full of personality. I prefer to give people a look at me that is not picture perfect so they can meet me and see how I am and not just assume who I am through a strange picture perfect façade.

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